Spring Clean Your Countertops

Now is the time for spring cleaning and preparing your house for the summer months ahead. Whether you have already started your spring cleaning, or are dreading starting it, Metro Marble & Granite has a few helpful tips to keep in mind when cleaning your countertops. That’s right, your countertops, whether they are granite, quartz, or marble, could all use a good spring cleaning. Granite Countertops Check the Seal Maybe it’s been a while since your countertops were sealed? That’s okay! Spring is a great time to check the condition of the seal on your countertops and reseal if necessary. Sealing your countertops are extremely important in protecting them against stains and any unwanted marks. It’s important to reseal them once a year. If you use your countertops frequently and are a little rougher with them, you may need to seal them more frequently. Tip: You can check to see if your counters need to be resealed with the water test. Place a few drops of water on...