Where Do Your GRANITE Countertops Come From?

Whether or not you have a beautiful granite countertop, fireplace surround, or tiled floor in your home, you’ve probably wondered at one point or another, “Where do these big rocks come from?” Good thing you asked the expert because the best countertop company at the Lake of the Ozarks has the answer. Metro Marble & Granite has an incredible and experienced team of designers and installers that are happy to assist you in any way. Read on to experience the process of bringing granite from underground to the top of your counter. FORMING Granite is the most commonly known igneous rock found just under the earth’s surface. Igneous rock is formed by the solidification and crystallization of magma or lava underground. Granite is known for its strength and durability, second in the world only to diamond! LOCATING Granite is located in various areas around the world, typically in large deposits or quarries. When it comes to choosing a location, geologists look for areas wi...